January 15 2021 – Jodie Nicholson

Wardrobe Spring Cleanse In Feng Shui Style

1. Take everything out of your wardrobe, next try each piece on! This may take some time but honestly, an item of clothing you love to look at is different to loving the way you feel while wearing it! It's a good way to assess whether an item stays or goes to someone who may need it more. (We will be linking a few charities that are currently taking donations below.)
2. Okay, so now we have the clothes we love and will be wearing this season we need to organise our wardrobe. Everyone will have different spaces to work with, but the priority here is to separate each item into different categories. Work wear, casual wear & creative wear (clothes you wear while gardening etc.)
3. Now your clothes are in categories you can now clearly begin to place your items back into your wardrobe space. This could be done by colour which plays an important role in Feng Shui, organizing your wardrobe using the colours of the rainbow as a guide can help bring you increased positivity as the rainbow symbolises blessings, hope and good fortune! P.S your future self thanks you!
4. And just like that...your wardrobe detox is complete! Perhaps reward yourself with a little purchase such as new matching hangers which will increase the Feng Shui flow and make your space look more cohesive. P.S at Bottega HQ we face all the hangers the same way and space them out equally.