July 02 2022 – Sam Brightmore

The June Bulletin

It all began with a trip to Belgrade to watch my son Harry compete in the Rowing World Cup. It was something of an arduous journey to get there, made easier by following my own travel hack advice for being prepared.

I wore the Project AJ Harvest Gold sweatpants and shirt and that saw me through the worst of the travel delays. He took gold medal in the Mens 8+ so it was all truly worth it.

We’ve been looking forwards so much to the long Jubilee weekend & Tarporley was looking so patriotic with flags and bunting everywhere. I headed off to the Cotswolds to spend it with my youngest daughter Phoebe and we had a really fun time visiting some of our favourite haunts; however my plans were cut short when our painter said he could get to us sooner to begin our latest project, and so I headed back promptly to empty and organise the space.

We went from Setting Plaster to London Clay in preparation for the installation of Sean Barton’s incredible garden antiques and planting.
It was quite an undertaking to put the space back together again ready for reopening on Tuesday but somehow we managed it all so it was ready for Sean to be able to add his magic green fingered touch and it’s wonderful for me to be able to hand the reigns over to someone whose style and eye I admire so much.

Now to the business of fashion…I attended a stunning breakfast at the V&A with such an interesting talk by Oswald Boateng among others on the history of, place today & the evolution of the tailored suit. It was of special relevance as my middle daughter Alice has come to the end of her MA in Menswear at Westminster.

It’s been quite the journey but she’s made it & was one of the lucky students to be selected to show her collection at Mens Fashion Week at The Oval Space in East London. It’s a huge achievement and we’re all so proud of her.

In between all this craziness, I’ve found time to ground myself here & there with time with my friends, alone time at home, mornings & early evenings in my garden, a sound bath & breathwork sessions as well as a full moon swim gathering at Pickmere. It seems June has been 50 shades of crazy but it’s unlikely I would have it any other way.
