May 08 2022 – Sam Brightmore

The April Bulletin

2022 seems to be flying by at a rate of knots & I think it's been a really challenging time for many with the atrocities happening in Ukraine & the uncertainty that seems to be hanging in the air. In light of that, I've found it increasingly important to ground myself by getting out in nature as far as possible.
We've been blessed with some really beautiful weather not to mention two bank holiday weekends & I've taken full advantage of them by quite literally shoe horning in trips. I visited the Lake District over Easter weekend & more recently I felt like an intrepid explorer heading to Essouaira on the coast of Morocco but I'll talk about that next month. In the past I would have always prioritised my business & even my mountain of housework but if the last few years have taught me anything, those things can be parked, take the road trip, get out & see things & vistas, lakes, mountains & catch up with friends. These things feed our souls so choose life, life is beautiful & I do have time.

My weekend in the Lakes was impromptu & due to a Covid cancellation, I secured the last room at Belmount Hall in Outgate with views of Esthwaite Water. It was purchased by Beatrix Potter in 1937 & her husband William Heelis gifted it to the National Trust after her death.
