International Women's Day

March 08 2021 – Sam Brightmore

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

On this day and everyday, we celebrate all the women around the globe.



We have opened up our bottega muse's archive and Jane Fonda, an 83 years young actress and activist shines with the best of them!
We adore her grit, passion for positive change, talent and bravery.

Aside from her incredible movie career, countless awards and important political & social activism, Jane Fonda is also known as a fitness guru. Her workout series was made popular in the 80's and her mentality towards health and fitness is a testament to her graceful ageing. Jane Fonda has a beautiful metaphor for ageing, she believes ageing is like a staircase;

"The upward ascension of the human spirit, bringing us into wisdom, wholeness and authenticity."

Rewind back to the 80s and the iconic 'Jane Fonda's Workout' book and series were created out of necessity, as she wanted to raise funds for her activism efforts. 

Movements including the fights for civil, women’s and environmental rights have been pivotal in her life. Jane Fonda thinks that;

"as individuals we don't have very much, but all together, we have a lot of power."

We love Jane Fonda for her free spirit and how this has trickled into her ensembles. The fashion world has taken note and hails Jane Fonda as an Icon.
Vogue has featured Jane Fonda on several covers, her first being in 1959, over 60 years ago! 

Jane Fonda is a force of nature and continues to fight for positive change. HBO delved deeper into Jane's life in a documentary entitled' Jane Fonda in Five Acts.' Her son, Troy Garity, says in the final act of this documentary that;

"She won't stop. She's on a mission. This intent to do well keeps her demons at bay."
